Wednesday 7 March 2018

Animation Workshop

Today we had an introduction to animating with Andy Symanowski. We used software called Animate It! which was really easy to use. In worked together in groups to animate which was helpful because we were able to discuss and figure out how something would move and react with its environment when things got complicated.

Our first test was animating a ping-pong ball falling to the ground. This is what we used as reference the only difference was our balls wouldn't squash when they hit the ground. We then animated a canonball dropping which made us question how different this would be. The difference is there'd be only a slight bounce back as the ball loses its energy faster.

Next we animated a falling leaf which was a lot harder because leaves are so unpredictable due to their weight and how they catch the air. We looked up a video of a leaf falling for reference after our first attempt to give us a clearer idea of how to do it.

We then moved on to animating legs jumping and figuring out how two characters could interact with a ball.

I'm quite surprised and proud of how I did animating and the best part is playing it back and seeing a smooth believable movement. I really enjoyed animating which I glad of because I'd love to work in that industry in the future.

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