Tuesday 23 January 2018

Contextual Studies

Today we found out we have a unit of work on contextual studies which will involve two essays and presentations based on films we will be sent to see in the following weeks.
I found it quite strange that we were only just finding out about this element of our course when it would have been helpful to know from the start. In fact I am kind of disappointed we hadn't carried on contextual lectures from the start of our course as I found them quite interesting and I think it would have been great to build up knowledge on the subject. Our contextual studies also doesn't seem to be very tailored to our course and the aspects of film that would be useful and important to learn as background knowledge for our practice.
Despite this I am looking forward to analysing films in more detail as this is something I touched on and loved when doing Media Studies at GCSE level. It also reminded me that I should be regularly watching new screen content to broaden my knowledge of film in general and inspire me in my work. I'm going to set a target to start watching a few films a week (I hope I stick to it)!