Thursday 7 February 2019

'Sweet Changeling' - Dressed Sets

I'm quite surprised about how well the sets came out, mostly because they seemed so disorganised after Christmas and wouldn't reply to our request for a meeting until a week after we had come back. They had constant location issues and Beatrice saved the day by allowing them to use her living room as the dining room set. After these initial problems, they were a lovely team to work with and very helpful.
The photos on this page were taken by various people from the art department, none are my own.






Monday 4 February 2019

'One Night' - Colour model final photos

I booked the Observatory to take professional-looking photos of the model before it could potentially be destroyed when filming the fire scene. Nick helped me light the model and showed me how to change the exposure length to alter how bright it would come out. I wanted to light the model as if it was night, in keeping with the film.
These photos came out really well and I think the model will look believable when it's filmed if we can create a realistic-looking fire.

Points for improvement/to think about when filming the model:
  • Make sure the curb is glued down properly
  • Have the light behind the windows less even (my dad pointed out that there would be objects creating shadows and after looking back at my reference photos I could see he was right. Changing this would make it more believable as an actual building.)