Sunday 4 November 2018

Contextual Studies - Goggle making

For the Unit 6 festival, I designed and made the goggles we would be using for our installation. I knew they could be made easily and in a few pieces out of cardboard. I happened to be inundated with the stuff after my house had bought several desks from IKEA.

Initial drawn designs -

Rather than making them out of three pieces we managed to make them out of two; a front piece and another piece that would block out the light from the sides.

Dan modeling the goggles after assembly -

After this, I then made the viewing holes and passed the goggles on to the other members of my group who were painting and attaching the elastic.

Me modeling finished goggles -

I'm pretty happy with how these turned out considering how simple they were. They fit well and weren't too uncomfortable to wear. Sometimes it doesn't have to be complex, it can be as simple as some cardboard and elastic. Cardboard can be a very useful material and this is a nice reminder of that.