Friday 11 January 2019

'Sweet Changling' - Food Research

I asked my mum about popular dishes from the '50s-'70s and she told me about a facebook page that posts exactly the kind of tacky foods we were looking for. This was a useful research resource, some of them are pictured below but the link is also here:

Sorrel made the moodboard below to help us research what was best for our dining room food. We decided on two or three jellies, prawn cocktails, coloured deviled eggs, a sausage cake thing and a lobster.

'One Night' - Technical drawings and rough model

Vicky drew these up straight after we had come back from surveying the location. This was a good idea because later on, I was struggling a little with understanding my notes.

Above: Vicky's CAD technical drawings
Below: My CAD extended elevation that we printed to cut out the model pieces

Vicky also did a quick SketchUp model to see if it looked right in 3D in comparison to the photos.

Vicky and I made a rough white card model to check if 1:20 was a good sized scale. It also helped us realise a few mistakes we made and ways we could make it easier for ourselves when doing the colour model. For example, the thickness of the Kapa foam was the same as how far the walls stuck out so we wouldn't need to cut out more pieces and it would look neater.

Monday 7 January 2019

'One Night' - Location Surveying

Vicky and I went to survey the location of what will be the strip club for 'One Night'.

Photos of Location: Bleeding Heart Yard, Farringdon, London, EC1N 8SJ

We decided with the DOP that we would make a model of the building from the wall before the first window to the wall after the window around the corner and only go as high as the window ledge from the windows above.

Surveying Notes: